
Welcome! You can find out more about me below 🙂

My name is Boris

  • Awards:
    • 3rd Prize – Concours Photo – Ville de Courbevoie (2014)


Hi! My name is Boris. I grew up in three countries and then continued moving around the E.U. for studies and work. As a result my sense of direction is “slightly off” at times. Proudly “Made in Europe” 🙂 I am a big supporter of the European Project, though I only support one single nation, when cheering at the world cup 🙂 I completed double MSc-Engineering and Business Administration degrees and after a short start-up stint I am now working for a large industrial corporation. In my spare time I very much enjoy photography and digital arts. For my art statement follow the link to my “manifesto“. For my offerings as a photographer, please head to the following link.


For a slightly more formal art bio please continue reading below:

“As a Munich based engineer and artist, Boris has been honing his digital art and photography for the past several years. An engineer by training, Boris blends his photo skills with his digital systems experience. Complementing artistic experimentation and self-tuition are courses such as: Summer School at Central Saint Martin’s, London and various Art courses in Germany.


Boris’ evolution into digital graphic arts allowed him to introduce mixed media techniques to his photography and extend the range of his pictures via added filter/input/output systems as well as more analog and organic touch with superimposition of hand drawn outlines and segments. 


Working and living across a number of  countries he draws upon the various European cultural influences and uses his works to challenge the boundaries of digital photography utilizing paint and mixed media to tell stories underlying the original photographic document.”


For Print & originals you can use the contact form or social media canals.

For a full CV, bio and/or references please use the contact form or check out my linkedin.

Languages:       and a little 

This website is a curated space for personal work and thoughts.

For further interesting reads and inspiration you can follow my blog/journal and  this link to my curated extra- resources and links.


Contact ME

To contact me please use the mail adress below. I am looking forward to hear from you:



I designed this website with WordPress in combination with specific themes (by QODE) plugins and (WOOCommerce, MAILchimp etc.) as well as some CSS fine-tuning behind the scenes. If you are interested in further details please get in touch and/or lookup the legal policy/impressum page.