17 Apr “Automarta” – Machine Assisted Art
Art & Machines – “do androids dream of electric sheep?”
Since the first cave paintings humans have used tools to paint/describe the world around them and express themselves. 1 Starting our from anything like our extremities, sticks or cut/chewed grass for brushes to apply pigments on the intended surface to using resins, glue, knives/scissors/saws tu further remix the product many tools, objects and techniques have been put to use to this ever growing list of art-tools.
Computers and algorithms have also been added to this list. Especially since the advent of the personal computer or nowadays with the quasi-omnipresence of mobile phones.
The mechanisms of computer art is now starting another new chapter of machine assisted design in the form of:
- Glitch Art is the practice of using digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes by either corrupting digital data or physically manipulating electronic devices. [/efn_note] Wikipedia site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glitch_art [/efn_note]. For further references & resources please check:
- https://github.com/GlitchTools/Glitch-Arts-Resources
- https://snorpey.github.io/jpg-glitch/
- Generative art is art that is created with the use of an autonomous system. An autonomous system in this context is generally non-human and can independently determine features of an artwork that would otherwise require decisions made directly by the artist. In some cases the human creator directs the algorithm to represent their own artistic idea, programmed inputs and variables, in other cases the system takes on the role of the fully independent creator. 2. For further references & resources feel free to check out:
- https://p5js.org/
- https://thecodingtrain.com/beginners/p5js/
- Machine Learning Art: as in various other endeavours, machine learning can also be applied to arts to create, predict, decide in lieu of the artist. By using the data input and applying various ML techniques an output that adapts to the surrounding and ever changing input.Thus working with machine learning offers a further tool for testing the limits of human and machine interaction and creativity.3. For further references & resources head to the following links:
- https://aiartists.org/ai-generated-art-tools
- https://ml4a.net/
For further reading I strongly recommend having a look at the following blogpost in which two of my favourite actors in this space Espen Kluge and Jason Bailey discuss the process of coding assisted art synergy between human and machines in the creative process.
- Musée d’Archéologie nationale, domaine national de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (2021): https://archeologie.culture.fr/chauvet/fr
- Wikipedia site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generative_art
- FlashArt Magazine Website https://flash—art.com/2020/03/artificial-abstraction-and-the-poetics-of-machine-learning-the-role-of-ai-in-the-art-of-anna-ridler-and-roman-lipski/
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